On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 11:03 PM Darrel Lewis (darlewis) <darlewis@cisco.com> wrote:
I, for one, am having a hard time finding the proper words to express the joy that I am feeling at this momentous moment!
It's quite amazing, I think... that it's taken so long to get to deployment you can actually see on the fios plant :) I'd note I can't see the below on my homestead, but I can at a relative's (where the ifconfig data is from). I also can't tell if the upstream will PD a block to the downstream... and the VZ CPE is 'not something I want to fiddle with', because everytime I have tried at my house I've just taken it out behind the woodshed with a maul... and replaced it with something I CAN configure successfully. (plus.. don't want that TR 069 in my home...) -chris
On Jun 11, 2022, at 7:05 PM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Looks like FIOS customers may be getting ipv6 deployed toward them, finally:
ifconfig snippet from local machine: inet6 2600:4040:2001:2200:73d2:6bcc:1e6b:43a1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global> inet6 2600:4040:2001:2200:e87:bf36:b6cb:6ce1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global>
ping attempt: 64 bytes from bh-in-f106.1e100.net (2607:f8b0:4004:c09::6a): icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=8.71 ms
8ms from mclean, va to ashburn, va isn't wondrous, but at least it's ipv6 (and marginally faster than ipv4)
Congrats to the 701 folk for deploying more widely! (note: I don't know exactly when this started, nor how wide it really is, but progress here is welcomed by myself at least :) ) -chris