This is working for me. ex: net208:~> whois "server puck4-hst" Aborting search 10 records found ..... Cyberspace Communications, Inc. (CYBERSPACE-DOM) CYBERSPACE.ORG Cyberspace Communications, Inc. (GREX2-DOM) GREX.ORG Dead Dog Consulting (DEAD-DOG-DOM) DEAD-DOG.COM Lunar Network (LUNAR4-DOM) LUNAR.NET M-Net Inc. (M-NET4-DOM) M-NET.ORG Pretend Networks (PRETEND5-DOM) PRETEND.NET TTGCITN Communications (TTGCITN-DOM) TTGCITN.COM The Association for Clueful People (CLUEFUL3-DOM) CLUEFUL.ORG Uyema Network (UYEMA-DOM) UYEMA.NET Web CCB Systems Inc (WEBCCB-DOM) WEBCCB.COM - Jared On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 10:23:54AM -0800, Michael Dillon wrote:
On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Dan Bustillos - Datalink Internet wrote:
Maybe someone can help. In the past you could do a lookup at the 'nic with /server (Server nic handle) Now you can't. Does anyone have any ideas?
It's politics now.
Network Solutions is unilaterally making changes to the Internic services they offer without any notice or any attempt to publicly consult with network operators. The only way I can thnk of to address this is the political route. Start by making a formal request to ICANN http://www.icann.org for this service and explain why it is needed. Follow up with a formal complaint to the Department of Commerce in Washington DC regarding the sudden withdrawal of the service.
Or sit silently on your hands, bellyache with your friends and deserve what you get. That's how politics works. You have no choice as to whether you play the game of politics. Your only choice is what role to play.
-- Michael Dillon - E-mail: michael@memra.com Check the website for my Internet World articles - http://www.memra.com
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.