----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Huff" <mhuff@ox.com>
It really is a different universe for University/ISP versus corporate networks. Neither is wrong or right, but both have different needs. My complaint is that my sense is that Ipv6 was designed and favors the ISP environment rather than corporate networks.
A corporate network really does want to ignore next year's new hot protocol unless it makes business sense to support it. There may be regulatory reasons to block it (we are required to archive all email and instant messages) or management may decide it's a waste of time to support or management may feel it's a waste of people's work time to use. Obviously as a end-user with residential FTTH, I want something completely different from my ISP.
To steal some telco terminology, and tie into my previous reply to Valdis, *what is the demarcation point*? In most cases, it's the edge router. In .edu, it's generally a departmental or resnet router, or even closer to the end workstations than that. But inside the demarc, policy and engineering may -- and nearly always will -- hew to different standards. Cheers, -- jra