---- Original Message -----
From: "JC Dill" <jcdill.lists@gmail.com>
On 17/12/10 4:54 AM, Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo wrote:
I do believe that video over the Internet is about to change the cable business in a very deep and possibly traumatic way.
It's clear that this is a major driving factor in the Comcast/L3/Netflix peering/transit issue. Comcast is obviously looking for ways to fill the looming hole in their revenue chart as consumers turn off Cable and get their TV/video entertainment delivered via the internet.
The more I look at this, the more it looks like "pharmaceuticals bought from Canada are cheaper than ones purchased in America -- and they will be *just as long* as only a minority of Americans buy them there. As soon as *everyone* in America is buying their drugs cross-border, the prices will go right back up to what they were paying here." This is what's gonna happen with Comcast, too; if their customers drop CATV, then they're going to have to raise their prices -- and the cable networks themselves will have *no* way to collect revenue; the cable systems being their collection agent network. This Can't End Well. Cheers, -- jra