My apologies; I was just too damned tired to do this last night, by which time I had gotten my answer: $17 for a 5 way blend based on L3 and GBLX, in Tampa, isn't really all that bad. (100mbs commit; GigE fiber redundant) City Pipe Commit Carrier(s) $/mbs ======================================================================= various 1G+ unk Cogent/HE <1 various 1G 1G HE 1 for 3yr cont. various 1G+ unk carriers not spec 2-3 multi 10G/agg 10G carrier not spec 3 various unk 1G carrier not spec 3-20[1] LAmetro 4x1G 250-500M carriers not spec <5 NYC/colo 1G 500M carrier not spec 5 var/colo 1G 100-1G blend not spec 15-20 down to 8 Portland 1G 100M AboveNet 9 various unk 700Magg Internap 9 var/colo unk unk blend not spec. 10 various unk 50-100M carriers not spec 20-10 unk/colo 1G 150Magg Tier2 not spec 15 renego from *50* SF/colo unk "small" carriers not spec 45 Those are sorted in ascending order by the lowest rate quoted; where I could discern that it was for colo delivery, I've said so. Some commits (and hence rates) were aggregated over pipes or sites; if it was clear that the price applied to multiple quotes or blended bandwidth I've noted that too. My thanks to the folks who took a moment to contribute; the outcome of my inquiry was "nah; I guess the price I got quoted really isn't all that bad, given the quality of the datacenter involved (which is quite nicely done). Cheers, -- jra [1]"depending on how many beers we'd had together at NANOG meetings" -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA http://photo.imageinc.us +1 727 647 1274