100/100 minimum for sure. In our small neck of the woods, we are currently doing 250/250 for $45 and 1000/1000 for $60 no data caps. We have lost some grants on rural builds because "someone" in the census block claims they provide broadband.. Not hard to put an AP up on a tower and hit the current definition's upload speed. I get a chuckle when the providers tell the customer what they "need"... Brandon Price Senior Network Engineer City of Sherwood, Sherwood Broadband -----Original Message----- From: NANOG <nanog-bounces+priceb=sherwoodoregon.gov@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Sean Donelan Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 5:33 PM To: NANOG Operators' Group <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: New minimum speed for US broadband connections CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you are expecting this email and/or know the content is safe. On Thu, 27 May 2021, Lady Benjamin Cannon of Glencoe, ASCE wrote:
At least 100/100.
We don’t like selling slower than 10g anymore, that’s what I’d start everyone at if I could.
At $50/month or less? Maximize number of households of all demographic groups.