I'm adjusting mailman now to do this hoping that's it. It's on the privacy->sender tab. If you got unsubscribed from cisco-nsp or juniper-nsp this morning this is likely why. (ugh, 56 lists to adjust).. - Jared On Jul 9, 2014, at 10:32 AM, Matthew Black <Matthew.Black@csulb.edu> wrote:
If you find users being dropped from mailing lists, it's probably a DMARC issue. Contact your mailing list vendor for appropriate patches.
https://wordtothewise.com/2014/04/brief-dmarc-primer/ A brief DMARC primer
http://dmarc.org/overview.html DMARC Overview
http://www.socketlabs.com/blog/yahoo-com-changes-dmarc-policy/ Yahoo.com Changes DMARC Policy
http://yahoomail.tumblr.com/post/82426900353/yahoo-dmarc-policy-change-what-... Yahoo DMARC Policy Change - What Should Senders Do?
http://yahoo.tumblr.com/post/82426971544/an-update-on-our-dmarc-policy-to-pr... An Update on our DMARC Policy to Protect Our Users
http://www.lsoft.com/news/2014/listserv160-2014a-us.asp LISTSERV(r) Inventor Develops Seamless Solution to DMARC Hassles
matthew black california state university, long beach
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Jared Mauch Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 7:09 AM To: NANOG list Subject: hotmail email issues today?
Anyone know what happened? I've started to see a large number of bounces from them (this caused a large number of people with their e-mail hosted there to be removed from mailing lists I host).
Offlist replies/pointers to what I'm doing wrong are welcome.
- Jared