19 Jul
19 Jul
7:40 p.m.
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:37:37PM -0700, Scott Francis exclaimed:
This may or may not be related to the problem you are experiencing, but I figured it was worth mentioning for those that haven't gotten around to skimming BUGTRAQ today.
doh ... just read mike's cross-post on BUGTRAQ. never mind me then. I can only cover lists in sequential order ... :) -- Scott Francis darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t Systems/Network Manager sfrancis@ [work:] t o n o s . c o m UNIX | IP networks | security | sysadmin | caffeine | BOFH | general geekery GPG public key 0xCB33CCA7 illum oportet crescere me autem minui