----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com>
Did I mention I haven't implemented v6 yet? :-)
No, you didn't. Perhaps you should spend some time learning about it before you opine on how it should or should not be implemented.
Perhaps. But that's a SHOULD, not a MUST; it's possible to make useful observations without having every single implementation detail, quite often.
FWIW, I have implemented IPv6 in multiple organizations, including my home where I've been running with it for several years.
You continue to put your home network up as an examplar, Owen, for many things. I don't think it's an exemplar of most of the things you do -- it is *specifically* not a Home Network as that term of art is, I think, currently understood by most people, even though it's a network, in a home.
*Really*? It bakes the endpoint MAC into the IP? Well, that's miserably poor architecture design.
It can and it is a common default. It is not required.
Good to know.
It's actually rather elegant architecture design for the goals it was implemented to accomplish.
I will look up what those are. I'm not wilfully blind, and I don't have opinions that are unchangeable.
Let me know if you have further questions.
I'll do that, thanks. Has ORA done an IPv6 book? My Borders seems to be having a sale... Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA http://photo.imageinc.us +1 727 647 1274