On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 5:49 PM Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
In message <MN2PR17MB402947F79FD83ABB9BBF429B9E8F0@MN2PR17MB4029.namprd17.prod.outlook.com>, Martijn Schmidt <martijnschmidt@i3d.net> wrote:
Hi Elad,
If you were to create RPKI ROAs for the IPs in question...
Thanks Martijn, for reminding me of a follow-up point that I had intended to make regarding my recent post about the (Athenix) block.
RPKI is the best we have and I cannot wait for the day when it will see universal deployment. But it isn't actually the 100% solution that everyone has been hoping it would be.
As the case of the block illustrates, if the RIR has itself been snookered into believing that party X actually owns party Y's block, then that's it. Game over, and RPKI doesn't help, because if the
I really don't think this part of the problem matters. If a block is moved from one entity to another, that's it, nothing to be done/seen here. it's sad and someone should weep for the lost integers, but.. meh. The RIR abuse process can cleanup as required mr curran's notes about: "please send to fraud@" would apply here directly. -chris