----- Original Message -----
From: "Seth Mattinen" <sethm@rollernet.us>
On 6/25/2011 15:12, Leo Bicknell wrote:
I have never seen a generator that syncs to the utility for live, no break transfer. I'm sure such a thing exists, but that sounds crazy dangerous to me. Generators sync to each other, not the utility.
Most of these come in open, delayed, or closed transition models: http://www.gedigitalenergy.com/powerquality/ATSHome.htm
For open and closed transitions you'll most certainly want to sync to utility to transition between the two. For the delayed transition model it'll stop at the intermediate "open" point for a configurable amount of time during which the load is disconnected from everything (i.e. let all the motors spin down first).
And more to the point, if you're installing 2-5MW of generation capacity, it's not all that uncommon to make it a cogen plant, at which point yeah, you're gonna run in sync. Leo: note that your body text was an *attachment* for some reason; new mailer? Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA http://photo.imageinc.us +1 727 647 1274