On Feb 4, 2014, at 11:52 AM, William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> wrote:
Those that are up in arms about this stuff seem to not be the ones asking the vendors for features and fixes.
Like I said, the "tier 1's" can't be the source of the solution until they stop being part of the problem.
This is the attitude that I've seen elsewhere that is devoid of any meat. As I said before, we hit a big preventing the ability to do this even if we wanted to. The impact is drop all traffic or permit all in that case. If you were my customer which would you decide? Ask your vendors for these features. Ask them to fix the bugs. The ball rolls uphill here and it's in their lap. Blaming the carriers is wrongheaded and putting it where it doesn't belong in many cases. Happy to discuss offline. - Jared