On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 10:21:03AM -0700, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
At work we implimented 12.2(T) on our IPv6 routers and there were some problems, can't recall specifics now, that meant we did do several IOS upgrades to try and fix. Now we have just finished upgrading to 12.3 on all our routers network-wide and only have the IPv6 functions turned on for those routers we have IPv6 traffic going through...
Well, now we are talking about IPv6, I can ask a question right here ;)
Does anyone have any experiences with the Cisco IPv6 IOS (T or S releases)? Can be either good or bad experiences. I heard there were some issues (router freezes etc) with the T releases...
Have to convince the management :)
I've had very good luck with 12.2(14)S3 on the 7200 devices. I can't currently recommend any software for the 7500 if you have a CT3 interface in your router (as most of the ones I manage do) that supports IPv6. The next Cisco release of 12.2S (it will likely be called 12.2(18)S should have all the important IPv6 features that would be necessary for a larger scale deployment (eg: OSPFv3) of IPv6 services. If you're a customer of AS2914 and interested in IPv6, you should send us a note ipv6@eng.verio.net, and we can get things configured fairly quickly. I am seeing at peak 1Mb+ on some of our IPv6 locations (mostly outside the US) but the trend does appear to be upwards. I know that other providers (Sprint, Hurricane Electric [i keep getting those yellow postcards at home], to name a few) have IPv6 services currently available to customers. It seems fairly easy to get a /48 allocation, so if you think you might go IPv6 in the next few years, it's worthwhile to set up a spare 26xx/36xx at least to tunnel the traffic with. (I have also had good results with 12.3(1a) releases). - Jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.