Anyone know what is the status with ICQ? No ability to connect to their servers at icq.mirabalis.com, icq.mirabalis.com, etc. Thanks, Hank

I don't use ICQ anymore, so I can't test it... but make sure that you are going to the correct company (try icq.mirabilis.com) ^ #whois mirabalis.com Organization: Simpson Thacher & Bartlett 425 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 US Registrar..: Register.com (http://www.register.com) Domain Name: MIRABALIS.COM <snip> #whois mirabilis.com Domain Name: MIRABILIS.COM Registrant: ICQ, Inc. 22000 AOL Way Dulles, VA 20166 US <snip> Best regards, -- Ken Fischer, CCNA <kenf@junebug.org> PGP Fingerprint: 9523 54B6 D67B BBFB 53B3 2F3B 7E81 0891 C495 CB50 On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
Anyone know what is the status with ICQ? No ability to connect to their servers at icq.mirabalis.com, icq.mirabalis.com, etc.
Thanks, Hank

How can one "ping" ICQ or troubleshoot connection problems? -- http://www.internet.org.ph Internet and ISP's in the Philippines http://www.ASARproject.org Artists for Social Action and Response GSM Mobile: +63-917-810-9728

I'm up.....never was down... --------------------------- Thanks Dennis Dayman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dennis Dayman wrote:
I'm up.....never was down...
I always have intermittent problems connecting my ICQ client to any of the servers. Happens once every week or two. Maybe their pipes are full. -- Steve Sobol, BOFH, President 888.480.4NET 866.DSL.EXPRESS 216.619.2NET North Shore Technologies Corporation http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net JustTheNet/JustTheNet EXPRESS DSL (ISP Services) http://JustThe.net mailto:sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net Proud resident of Cleveland, Ohio
participants (5)
Dennis Dayman
Hank Nussbacher
Ken Fischer
Miguel A.L. Paraz
Steve Sobol