Re: bgp geopolitical analysis (warning: zero operational content. or so.)
On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, David Williamson wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 09:33:05AM +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
ZA has the 3rd highest prefix count at 2700.Why does South Africa have such a high prefix count?
I thought it might be interesting to look at the ratio of prefixes to ASes.While some ASes may have a large number of ip allocations, and hence a need for more prefixes to be announced, most have rather few prefixes that need to be announced.On the other hand, as we all know, many ASes announce far more prefixes than necessary.Here's the top few in the list when sorted by ratio of prefixes to ASes:
country prefixes/ASes ZA 77.22857143
Something in ZA looks skewed. Can anyone shed light as to why ZA has so many small prefixes (even with lots of users)? Lack of CIDR? Poor allocation methods? Clueless ISPs? Thanks, Hank
PK 38.75 IN 30.83333333 AU 27.6713615 CL 24.25 FI 22.68181818 CA 22.23012552 PR 21.66666667 EC 21.66666667 NZ 21.16129032
I've removed countries with fewer than 100 prefixes, since they have nearly meaningless ratios.The US is in the 11 range, and ?? comes in down around 9.
Hank Nussbacher
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Hank Nussbacher