Would be nice to start using these hooks, if everyone would get on board. We would support any movement in this direction, it would help us with some of our QoS/CoS issues. We have talked to a few of the larger providers without much luck. I like the sanity of using the precedence bits. Gary Zimmerman V.P. of Network Engineering Savvis Communications Corp. email: garyz@savvis.com http://www.savvis.com Office: 314.719.2423 Address: 7777 Bonhomme Suite 1000 St. Louis, MO 63105 ----------
From: Paul Ferguson <pferguso@cisco.com> To: peter@injersey.com Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: QoS/CoS interest Date: Wednesday, May 21, 1997 8:16 PM
At 06:06 PM 05/21/97 -0400, Peter wrote:
Seems this would be easy to do in netflow switching. Also sounds a lot like FECN/BECN in frame relay.
Sounds alot to me like sanity -- using the existing hooks in IPv4 to deliver differentiated classes of service by using the IP precedence bits in the TOS portion of the IP header.
- paul
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