Listkeeper, Can you help us get the word out? Brian Dr. Brian Nutter, PE Associate Professor Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Studies Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas Tech University MS 3102 (806) 742-3533 From: Nutter, Brian Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 12:40 PM Subject: SSIAI Call for Papers 2014 San Diego California April 4-6 Colleagues, On behalf of the SSIAI Organizing Committee, I'd like to invite you to join us at IEEE SSIAI 2014. The Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) is a biennial conference dedicated to all aspects of computational analysis and interpretation of images and video. SSIAI brings together researchers and practitioners in academia, industry, and government to share and discuss the latest advances in this field. SSIAI 2014 will be held at the spectacular Humphreys Half Moon Inn & Suites in San Diego, California, U.S.A. The symposium seeks original contributions reporting novel research directions, results, and applications. Important Dates December 16, 2013: Papers Due February 10, 2014: Acceptance Notification February 24, 2014: Camera-Ready Papers Due April 6-8, 2014: SSIAI 2014 Conference Paper Submission Submit a paper (4 pages max. including figures and references) in double-column IEEE conference format. Submission will be electronic using the PDF format. Accepted full papers will be of the same format with a four-page limit. For further details, please visit<> . Each accepted paper will be published in the conference proceedings, provided at least one author registers in advance at the non-student rate and gives a presentation at the conference. An author's non-student registration may be applied to up to three papers by that author. Topics of Interest (not limited to) Mathematical models and methods Statistical and learning methods Features and invariants Segmentation and grouping Object detection and tracking Activity detection and analysis Image and video indexing and retrieval Biomedical image analysis Neuro-signal processing Biometrics and bioinformatics Biologically inspired computer vision Multiscale and multispectral analysis Remote sensing Compressive sensing and processing Stereoscopic and 3-D analysis Multisensor analysis and processing Color analysis and processing Shape representation and recognition Scene modeling and interpretation Computational photography Human computer interaction Automated inspection Real-time analysis Optimization methods Performance evaluation Computer vision for robotics Image and video quality assessment Computer architectures for image/video processing Brian Dr. Brian Nutter, PE Associate Professor Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Studies Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas Tech University MS 3102 (806) 742-3533
participants (1)
Nutter, Brian