Re: Routing Protocol Simulators -Reply
Craig, Novell built one for NLSP. NLSP models the IS - IS protocol for IPX. The simulator creates a variety of topologies, allows you to specify change rates in those topologies, and also allows you to create your own. Some of the topologies are a cube, one that models what an ISP deploying IPX might look like, and one that models RIP. I'm not sure whether additional topologies have been added. You can contact AE Natarajan for more information (he is copied on this email message). --Neal
"Craig A. Haney" <> 02/28/97 03:43pm
At 18:02 -0500 2/28/97, Daniel O Awduche wrote: I am in need of routing protocol simulators, and would be most appreciative if information can be provided on available packages (commercial and/or public domain). In particular, packages that can provide realistic simulation of the ISIS and/or OSPF protocols would be most ideal.
Thank you for your time.
Daniel Awduche.
Try calling Prof. Ranbir Sidu. Their product may be of interest. TeleniX Corporation (TELENIX-DOM) 3982 White Rose Way Ellicott City, MD 21042-5822 USA Domain Name: TELENIX.COM Administrative Contact: Sidhu, Ranbir (RS2941) telenix@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET (410)750-3213 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Clark Internet Services, Inc. (CIS5-ORG) dns@CLARK.NET (410) 995-0550 Fax- (410) 995-0495 Billing Contact: Sidhu, Ranbir (RS2941) telenix@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET (410)750-3213 Record last updated on 20-Jan-97. Record created on 01-Aug-96. -craig -------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig A. Haney Cando Consulting - The Internetwork People 703.448.9826 :Tel 2031 Madrillon Springs Court 703.448.9786 :Fax Vienna, VA 22182-3764
I once ran across something called the Maryland Routing Simulator (MARS) when I was looking into the Routing Arbiter. I looked around and found it again. has a link to the aformentioned and more. Enjoy
participants (2)
Mr. Dana Hudes
neal castagnoli