ns.ripe.net [] and merapi.switch.ch [] act as authoritative (secondary) name servers for PY and its direct generic subdomains {com,edu,gov,org,net,org}.py. I'm not sure whether these have been requested to be added to the delegation yet. Anyway, these things seem to take a long time at InterNIC right now - we have delegation changes pending ourselves for the CH and LI ccTLDs for about three weeks.
"md" == Michael Dillon <michael@memra.com> writes: It appears that a network problem of some sort has knocked Paraguay's top level domain off the air. Not surprising when you look at the output for:
whois py-dom
and see this:
If anyone on this list is prepared to make a serious offer of secondary DNS for this country, then please email the admin contact gbellas@UCA.EDU.PY and the technical contact hmereles@CNC.UNA.PY. Of course, neither address will work until they get back on the air...
-- Simon Leinen simon@babar.switch.ch SWITCH http://www.switch.ch/misc/leinen/ Who is General Failure & why's he reading my disk?
participants (1)
Simon Leinen