Digital Access and Cross Connect System. A TSI switch that switches DS-0 channels among DS-1 data streams. Computer controlled and designed for keyboard entry as opposed to automatic switching. There are many uses, including semi-automatic test boards, digital circuit concentration, trunk switching, and alternate routing. The term "DACS" was extended for DS-0/ DS-1 switching but has been applied to DS-1/ DS-3 switching. Many large "DACS" units include combined switching systems that allow DS-0 switching among DS-3s, always with demultiplexing of the DS-3 data streams. IXC and LEC carriers offer partitioned DACS service under customer control, which allows the customer to control a Virtual Private Network (VPN) within the carrier's network. ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
participants (1)
Bob Biver