Marshall et al, It's a lack of IP Address Space - and the numbers I gave - 10's of thousands are probably a bit on the small side - in short order it will be multiples of 100,000 IP addresses. To start with, I'm willing to think in terms of 10's of thousands spread over a handful of "POPs". The application is GPRS (aka 2.5/3G cellular) and each Internet connected user or some major subset of them will likely wind up with an address on their mobile device. - JB
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 09:08:16 -0700 Beckmeyer <> wrote:
Marshall et al,
Dear JB; 1.) Dare I suggest that you use IPv6 ? It should make a great NAT. 2.) If you are interested in having content put on your wireless devices I would like to talk off line. Regards Marshall Eubanks
It's a lack of IP Address Space - and the numbers I gave - 10's of thousands are probably a bit on the small side - in short order it will be multiples of 100,000 IP addresses. To start with, I'm willing to think in terms of 10's of thousands spread over a handful of "POPs".
The application is GPRS (aka 2.5/3G cellular) and each Internet connected user or some major subset of them will likely wind up with an address on their mobile device.
- JB
On 4/29/02 9:08 AM, "Beckmeyer" <> wrote:
Marshall et al,
It's a lack of IP Address Space
Last I looked there was plenty of address space.
- and the numbers I gave - 10's of thousands are probably a bit on the small side - in short order it will be multiples of 100,000 IP addresses. To start with, I'm willing to think in terms of 10's of thousands spread over a handful of "POPs".
All you need do is document usage according to your RIR's allocation policies and you'll get the address space you justify.
The application is GPRS (aka 2.5/3G cellular) and each Internet connected user or some major subset of them will likely wind up with an address on their mobile device.
There have already been numerous discussions between the RIRs and the GSM association(s) regarding address allocations for GPRS. Have you asked your RIR about this? Rgds, -drc
> It's a lack of IP Address Space - and the numbers I gave - 10's of > thousands are probably a bit on the small side - in short order it will > be multiples of 100,000 IP addresses. That's a small quantity. Just fill our your RIR's form, and if you need the space, you'll get it. There's no lack. -Bill
participants (4)
Bill Woodcock
David Conrad
Marshall Eubanks