Ran Atkinson writes: } [...] }----------------------------------------------------- }CASE: H87037 }OPENED: 05-AUG-97 }DESCRIPTION: make "ip classless" default for ISP IOS images }----------------------------------------------------- } }The "ip classless" is important since various folks have chunks }of former class A address space but do not have the entire former }class A. For example, @Home has a small slice of 24.x.x.x, }but several other providers are also in 24.x.x.x. No lobbying required here. As of (I believe) 11.2(1), "no ip classless" would show up in cisco configurations as a default command, which means that they're likely going to change it to "ip classless" in the next major release. cisco's modus operandi when it comes to changing default behavior of commands is to spend one major release with the command in the configuration regardless of whether it's on or off, and then to change the new default behavior in the next major release. In other words, don't waste your breath screaming at them about something they decided to change a long time ago. Jeff -- Jeffrey S. Curtis | Internetwork Manager Argonne National Laboratory | Email: curtis@anl.gov 9700 South Cass Avenue, ECT-221 | Voice: 630/252-1789 Argonne, IL 60439 | Fax: 630/252-9689
participants (1)
Jeffrey S. Curtis