A couple of months ago (like, probably January or February), someone posted a hyperlink to a list of all the NOCs in the country. I've since changed places of employment and I cannot find that list. Does anyone have it and are you willing to part with the knowledge? Thanks! -- Diana Welborn diwelbor@usa.alcatel.com Customer Network Operations Center Engineer Alcatel USA CNOC 1000 Coit Road Phone - 972-477-7229 MS 593 Fax - 972-519-7550 Plano, TX 75075 Pager - 800-759-8888 PIN 1453528 or http://www.skytel.com/Paging/pageme.cgi?pin=1453528,1 A wise man named Tom Zabel once reminded me: ========================================================================== Standard Disclaimer: Hear me now and hear me well - I do not speak for Alcatel. But that is OK you see - for Alcatel does not speak for me. ==========================================================================
participants (1)
Diana Welborn