Re: Enhance CG-NAT Re: V6 still not supported

Hi, Bill: 0) Thanks for bringing up the NANOG posting guideline. We now have something tangible to discuss. 1) Section 6. looks most relevant. So, I copy and paste it below for our discussion: A. 6.1.1. "... > relevant excerpt 1 response to excerpt 1 ... ": This seems to be what I have been doing, except maybe how to interpret the keyword "excerpt". Perhaps you are expecting me to cite more text from the message that I am responding to, such as a complete paragraph, instead of only a short phrase or two? If so, I certainly will be glad to do so. B. On the other hand, the leading sentence "When posting to the NANOG list please avoid: Top-posting, i.e., putting your reply right on top of the message you're responding to, ... " seems to discourage threading the messages (keeping a long tail of the earlier texts)? Perhaps there is some kind of optimal trade-off between how much each of these two should be included in a message? 2) The two URLs are kind of odd: A. The first URL led me to a blank webpage. B. The second URL led me to a list of Q&A's that seem to be more humorous than instructive. *************** *6. Posting Conventions* 1. *Format* When posting to the NANOG list please avoid: 1. Top-posting, i.e., putting your reply right on top of the message you're responding to, rather than quoting and responding as follows: > relevant excerpt 1 response to excerpt > relevant excerpt 2 response to excerpt > relevant excerpt 3 response to excerpt 2. Using non-standard methods of quoting prior text; 3. Failing to quote, or to snip, as appropriate; 4. Sending in HTML or other non-standard attachment formats; 5. Starting or participating in flame wars. The linux-kernel mailing list FAQ provides detailed instructions for* quoting prior text*: "Dear Emily Postnews" at makes lots of good suggestions about *signatures* and other items of interest. *************** Please review and advise. Regards, Abe (2022-04-06 17:31) On 2022-04-06 11:33, William Nelson wrote:
I am still learning the proper eMail etiquette on NANOG. Could you please echo back some of my writings as you received? So that I can see what they got transformed to.
There is no transforming of your formatting after you send it. It's frustrating in the format you typed it in.
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Abraham Y. Chen