FYI: ANSI Standard Proposal: A Baseline of Security Requirements for the Management Plane
Note: The "baseline" draft is at: ------------------------------------------------------------- November 18, 2002 TO: Members of Accredited Standards Committee T1 - Telecommunications Members of Technical Subcommittee T1M1 SUBJECT: T1 Letter Ballot T1 LB 1117 Dear Members: Enclosed for your action, please find the following T1 Letter Ballot voting form: - T1 LB 1117, Draft Proposed American National Standard - Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning Security Requirements for the Public Telecommunications Network: A Baseline of Security Requirements for the Management Plane ** NOTE: The Letter Ballot notifications for LB 1112 thru LB 1120 are being sent separately and comprise this mailing. Please note that the closing date of this T1 Letter Ballot is January 06, 2003 *** You should send your response and must send any corresponding comments on this letter ballot to If you have any questions, please contact Steve Barclay at *** Your earliest response to this letter ballot is appreciated. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: THE DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS LETTER BALLOT IS NOW AVAILABLE FROM THE T1 HOMEPAGE in the "Current" Letter Ballots directory. To obtain a copy of lb1117.pdf go to: WWW: (Current Letter Ballots) FTP: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACCREDITED STANDARDS COMMITTEE T1-TELECOMMUNICATIONS LETTER BALLOT **-- ACTION REQUESTED --** REPLY TO: ATIS Letter Ballot Number: LB 1117 T1 Secretariat Document Number: T1M1.5/2002-125R2 1200 G St., NW, Suite 500 Date: 11/18/03 Washington, DC 20005 Ballot Period: 6 Weeks FAX: 202.347.7125 Ballot Closes: 01/06/03 EM: Authorized By: T1M1 Distributed By: T1 Secretariat Subject: Draft Proposed American National Standard - Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning Security Requirements for the Public Telecommunications Network: A Baseline of Security Requirements for the Management Plane Statement: The T1M1 members at its November 2002 plenary approved this dpANS for letter ballot. Please note: Due to an interest category imbalance at the time of this letter ballot, weighted voting of a .53 value applies to the manufacturing interest group. Additionally, due to the upcoming holiday season and its impact on work schedules, this letter ballot period has been extended at the request of the T1M1 Chairman. Question: Do you approve this draft proposed American National Standard for submittal to ANSI for approval as an American National Standard? Ballot: YES ____ NO ____ (Comments Required) Ballot: YES ____ (w/ comments) ABSTAIN ____ (w/ reasons) ABSTAIN ____ (IF VOTING "NO, WILL VOTE CHANGE TO "YES" IF THE ATTACHED CHANGES ARE MADE?) YES ____ NO ____ Signature ___________________________ Principal___ Alternate___ Organization ____________________________________ DATE_________ Telephone #: __________________________ See ANSI's PATENT POLICY (under the Committee T1 Letter Ballots section)
participants (1)
Barry Raveendran Greene