Draft agenda for NANOG 41

The NANOG Program Committee is please to announce the draft angenda for the NANOG 41 conference, to be held October 14-16 in Albuquerque, NM: SUNDAY, October 14 - Joint NANOG/ARIN IPv6 Workshop: 8:30am - 4:30pm - Tutorials 1:30pm - 3:00pm BGP Multihoming Techniques (part 1) - Philip Smith, Cisco Systems Layer 3 VPN for v4 & v6 in IP Core - Madhusudan Nanjanagud, Cisco Systems 3:30pm - 5:00pm BGP Multihoming Techniques (part 2) - Philip Smith, Cisco Systems - Newcomers meeting and reception: 3:30pm - 5:00pm - Community meeting - 5:30pm MONDAY, October 15 - General session: 9:00 - 12:30 9:00- 9:30 Opening Remarks 9:30-10:00 Perfect Storms, Internet Economics, and the Future of the Internet - David Meyer, Cisco/Univ. of Oregon 10:00-10:30 Resilient L2 VPNs - Ian Cowburn, Alcatel-Lucent 10:30-11:00 BREAK 11:00-11:30 From NetFlow to IPFIX: the evolution of IP flow information export - Brian Trammell, CERT/NetSA; Elisa Boschi, Hitachi Europe 11:30-12:30 Optical Panel - Moderator: Ted Seely, Sprint - General session: 2:00pm - 3:30pm 2:00- 2:30 LISP: A Level of Indirection for Routing Dino Farinacci, Cisco 2:30- 3:30 LISP-CONS: A Content distribution Overlay Network Service for LISP - David Meyer, Cisco/Univ. of Oregon 3:30- 4:00 Protection and Fault Recovery at Internet Peering Points using 802.1ag CFM - Rahul Vir, Foundry Networks - BOFs: 4:00pm - 5:30pm Peering BOF XVI - Bill Norton, Equinix - Beer 'n Gear - 5:30 - 7:30 TUESDAY, October 16 - General session - 9:00 - 12:00 9:00-10:00 KEYNOTE: Stephen Ryan, General Counsel, American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) and Partner, McDermott, Will and Emery in Washington D.C. 10:00-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:00 Have We Reached 1000 Prefixes Yet?: A snapshot of the global IPv6 routing table - Gert D�ring, SpaceNet AG, presented by CJ Aronson 11:00-12:00 EOTWAWKI: The end of the world, as we know it - Cathy Aronson, Daydream Imaging & Leo Bicknell, ISC - General session - 1:30 - 5:00 1:30- 2:00 IPv6 Transition & Operational Reality - Randy Bush, IIJ 2:00- 3:00 Lightning Talks! 3:00- 3:30 BREAK 3:30- 4:00 Integrating Networks - Nina Bargisen and Michael Lyngb�l, TDC 4:00- 4:15 Research Forum: BGP Protection Without Global Cooperation - Josh Karlin, University of New Mexico and Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico and Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University 4;15- 4:45 TBA 4:45- 5:00 Closing Remarks and Election Results This is a draft agenda, and will be subject to change until the meeting ends. For current information, see http://www.nanog.org. On Sunday, October 14, there will also be a special one-day workshop on IPv6 implementation, jointly sponsored by NANOG and ARIN. The week continues with the ARIN XX meeting on October 17-19. Finally, a few announcements from Merit: Meeting registration (https://www.nanog.org/registration/) is open and the lower registration rate is in effect through September 24. The group room rate at the hotel (http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0710/hotel.html) expires September 24. Note: make your reservation early as NANOG is meeting on the tail end of the International Balloon Fiesta. Hotel rooms will be in high demand, especially on Saturday night, Oct. 13. For additional meeting information, please see http://www.nanog.org/. See you in Albuquerque! Steve Feldman PC Chair
participants (1)
Steve Feldman