Automatic Switches?
I hate to interrupt the IPv6 and RFC 1918 mega-threads... Does anyone know of a company that makes 208v (3-wire line-line ground, no neutral, 208v loads only, single phase) 30-60 amp automatic transfer switches with sub-30ms switching time? APC used to make the SU045X163 30A model, but it seems to have been discontinued and it's hard to find products that support 208v single phase. ~Seth
Seth Mattinen wrote:
Ugh, of course I come across something (TwinSource DCC-II RM-ITSTS, 50A in a 4U case using SCRs) mere minutes after posting. Any other recommendations are still welcome. The TwinSource unit looks quite fascinating, although I'm guessing quite expensive. ~Seth
It's not flagged as discontinued on the APC site, though it seems to have been dropped from the RATS page. Maybe in the process of being discontinued? The main downside to the SU045 product line seems to be a lack of network manageability. Doesn't mean you can't get 'em. :-) APC doesn't make RATS units larger than 30A, though, so if you need a 50A unit, you'll have to look elsewhere. ... JG -- Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
participants (2)
Joe Greco
Seth Mattinen