Slight OT: NASA World Wind project looking for support from network operators. World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, just as if you were really there. Virtually visit any place in the world. Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or along the African Sahara. A few example images: Or you can check some hotspots: The reason I'm posting to this list, is that the project is currently in a bit of a bind. World wind is becoming so popular, that the small community of developers and regular users can no longer afford to sustain the ammount of bandwidth neccessary to deliver all of the satellite data to the client. We're also having bandwidth issues in being able to actually distribute the client software, due to the fact that it is around 188 MB. It is currently the 6th most popular project on with almost a million downloads in the last 2 months alone. Nasa can no longer host the installation program on their network do to the immense bandwidth usage it creates. What I am asking for is sponsors that are willing to host pieces of the datasets on their network. 1. We currently do not have enough capacity to put all the data we have online and keep it there. 2. We'd also like to setup geographically diverse nodes to enable redunancy and lessen latency. If you are willing to help this project at all, please contact me. Just as a note, a full copy one of the datasets is around 120 Gigabytes (Although we're currently looking into placing partial datasets), and the only community run server tops out (currently) right now at around 15 megabits per second. NASA is also running a web cluster to serve satellite data that is using around 50-75 mbps. Thanks in advance for your support, Matt Mills, the World Wind Developers, and the Staff.
participants (1)
Matt Mills