Discounts on DSL wholesale pricing
Hello: How does the following News Release from DPUC of CT affects the opinion of CLECs? Any comments .... Regards, Srihari Varada ************ State of Connecticut Contact: Beryl Lyons (860) 827-2670 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITY CONTROL NEWS RELEASE March 28, 2002 DPUC Orders SNET's Unregulated Telecommunications Affiliate To File Tariffs and Use Same Wholesale Discount Protocol As Regulated Company In a Decision rendered today, the Department of Public Utility Control ordered SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. (ASI), a Connecticut affiliate of the Southern New England Telephone Company, to provide DSL transport service (high-speed data lines) at a 25.4% discount to all resellers of that service. With today's Decision, Connecticut becomes the third state in the nation to impose this resale requirement on an unregulated affiliate of an incumbent telephone company offering service within their jurisdictional boundaries. ASI was created as a result of the Southern New England Telephone Company's (SNET's) parent, SBC Communications Inc.'s acquisition of Ameritech Corp. The 25.4% discount rate was established by the Department in a Decision in 1999 to apply to SNET's wholesale service offered to resellers operating in Connecticut. Today's Decision is significant because it finds that SNET cannot avoid its resale obligations even when its separate affiliates resell services to other telecommunications providers. According to Commissioner Jack R. Goldberg, "this Decision continues to place Connecticut in the forefront of meeting the intent of Congress and the state legislature in establishing and promoting competition in the telecommunications industry." **********
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srihari varada