I know that some others have made offers and Newsread.com is doing the same. We can provide news feeds to networks that we peer with and those that we do not have direct connectivity to. Contact me offlist for details. David Colon News Admin Newsread.com
Just received this from Cidera:
"We regret to inform you that Cidera has discontinued its netnews and caching services effective immediately.
We wished to provide you with more advanced notification of this termination of service, but unfortunately we were not able to do so.
The current economic situation has been difficult for us and for our customers, and we wish all of you the best of luck and good fortune with your businesses. Everyone at Cidera feels it has been a privilege to serve you."
I am now in need of obtaining a new source for news that is satellite based. Can anyone offer any suggestions and or recommendations? All information is appreciated!
Regards, Jeff
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participants (1)
David Colon