Re: AS8584 taking over the internet
Harping just a little more, unless the IP registries take the lead and push their hierarchical allocation tree data out and ISPs pick it up and do useful filtering with it, this problem will continue to occur regularly. Talk to your registry and your router vendors to start getting the pieces in place to get a global solution.
I like the idea of somehow using registry data to help build configs, but confess to not liking the idea of using DNS to do so (the IDR proposal), mostly because I don't see trusting the IP registries to do this, and in fact have a health dose of paranoia about giving routing control (i.e. the availability the service) to a service that can be manipulated by a single person See,4,18849,00.html -scott
you may wish to read the draft. it did not suggest using the dns to configure. and you may also want to look into dnssec. randy
There are people who go both ways on this. MCI clearly has a serious foot in the IRR camp, just as I do in the DNS camp. I tried to stay away from my opinions of the two options. I was hoping more to stimulate people to look and think than to debate IRR vs DNS here. As for not trusting the IP registries, I don't see that. We have to trust the registries to make unique IP allocations, and since that what routes are talking about, it's the best place to start. Where the rest of the (which ASs..) data goes is not the same, and can/will be argued out. Neither existing proposal suggests that the routing data be in the IP registries. My point is if the IP regitries don't play, we loose before we start. jerry
participants (3)
Jerry Scharf
Randy Bush
Scott Huddle