NSFNET-CERT members: PLEASE DO NOT SEND UNSUBSCRIBE MESSAGES TO "nsfnet-cert@merit.edu". MESSAGES WILL BE SENT TO SOME SUBLISTS WITH THE SUBJECT "HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE"... Please bear with me; it seems that my earlier communication was not as clear as it could have been. WHAT IS THIS LIST ANYWAY? ======================== First, nsfnet-cert was set up a while ago in order to give the NSFNET community a quick means of distributing CERT-related information (CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team = security/hacker/bugfix task force, essentially). Due to the nature of this sort of information, moderating the list (to remove "unsubscribe" messages) doesn't seem to be the answer. For the same reason, setting the "from" field to nsfnet-cert-request@merit.edu doesn't seem to be as attractive an option as it would normally be. Second, the list on merit.edu is a list of other lists, some of which are at other sites: nsfnet-cert: BRENDAN@otago.ac.nz, ken@VNET.IBM.COM (Ken Paquette), n.brownlee@aukuni.ac.nz, mhageman@empros.com (Mary Hageman), dar@cadcentre.co.uk (D.Ashton-Reader), mckee@sunbelt.net (Tim McKee), cert@ncar.ucar.edu, << You are probably ops@noc.sura.net, << on one of these lists nsfnet-cert-ml@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, << if the list name nwnet-cert@nwnet.net, << doesn't seem familiar. nsfnet-cert@spot.colorado.edu, << These lists are nsfnet-cert@rice.edu, << NOT located on merit.edu cert@cic.net, << so I can't take you off. merit-cert, # some local Merit people regional-techs, # Regional/Midlevel Technicians ntc, # NSFNET technical committee nsfnet-mgmt # NSFNET managers; NSF-types, etc. If you are a "regional tech" (a technical person who works in one of the adjacent ASs of AS 690, the NSFNET/ANSnet backbone), then you probably understand that this list could be useful. If you are not, then you are probably on one of the exploders indicated by the "<<" in the above listing. NOTE: I cannot take you off of the lists indicated by "<<" above. Thanks, Steve Richardson/Merit
participants (1)
Steven J. Richardson