* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS NANOG 32 GENERAL SESSION TUTORIALS CASE STUDIES OPERATIONS RESEARCH POSTER SESSION October 17-19, 2004 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 32nd meeting October 17-19, 2004, in Reston, Virginia. This will be NANOG's third joint meeting with ARIN, the American Registry for Internet Numbers (www.arin.net). NANOG will meet from Sunday to Tuesday, and ARIN from Wednesday to Friday, October 20-22. NANOG registration opens September 1. NANOG conferences provide a forum for the coordination and dissemination of technical information related to backbone/enterprise networking technologies and operational practices. Meetings are held three times each year, and include two days of short presentations, plus afternoon/evening tutorial sessions. The meetings are informal, with an emphasis on relevance to current backbone engineering practices. NANOG conferences draw over 500 participants, mainly consisting of engineering staff from national service providers, and members of the research and education community. For more information about NANOG meetings, schedules, and logistics, see: http://www.nanog.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS NANOG invites presentations on backbone engineering, coordination, and research topics. Presentations should highlight issues relating to technology already deployed or soon to be deployed in core Internet backbones and exchange points. Abstracts should include a concise summary of findings to be presented in the talk. Network operators are invited to present case studies detailing their experiences with network planning and design, protocol implementation, provisioning, useful tools, traffic engineering, problems solved, DoS scenarios and mitigation techniques, and troubleshooting, including automation, approaches, and techniques, Vendors are encouraged to work with operators to present deployment experiences with the vendor's products and interoperabilty. Researchers are invited to present short (10-minute) summaries of their work for operator feedback. Topics include routing, network performance, statistical measurement and analysis, and protocol development and implementation. Studies presented may be works in progress. Researchers from academia, government, and industry are encouraged to present. The community is invited to present talks or tutorials on: - Backbone traffic engineering - Experience with large-scale VoIP deployments and peering - Experience deploying metro-optical infrastructure - Freely available configuration, management, and measurement tools - Enterprise network security, management, and route control - Innovative access technologies, including metro-optical and PON - Case studies on deploying "triple play" (voice, video, data) - Routing scalability in backbone infrastructures - Security issues for the Internet core - Experience deploying L2 VPN/PW and inter-provider L3 VPN - Impact of BGP dynamics on backbone traffic patterns - Route processor architecture - OS architectures and implementations - SSM deployment experience - Inter-provider security and routing protocol authentication - Innovative network deployments supporting GRID - Circuit2Packet (C2P) experience with legacy services Tutorials have covered topics such as: - Troubleshooting BGP - Configuring IPsec - Customer-Triggered Real-Time Blackholes - BGP/MPLS Layer 3 VPNs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO PRESENT Submit an abstract and draft slides for the presentation in email to nanog-support@nanog.org. The deadline for proposals is September 7, 2004. While the majority of speaking slots will be filled by September 7, a limited number of slots may be available after that date for topics that are exceptionally timely, important, or critical to the operations of the Internet. Submissions will be reviewed by the NANOG Program Committee, and presenters will be notified of acceptance by September 20. Final drafts of presentation slides are due by October 6, and final versions October 13. NANOG also welcomes suggestions/recommendations for tutorials, panels, and other presentation topics. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Susan Harris