Number to call to volunteer
According to which is the NY state emergency management center, the number to volunteer your time for the cause is 800-801-8092. They'll put you in a database with your name and phone number and expertise, which is available to the command posts. They particularlly want firemen and medical people, but they seem receptive to everything. I have called and declared my time available for as long as needed, wherever it is needed. I was planning a travel abroad, and thus have no obligations locally, and sufficient funds to sustain my self. Thus, I also volunteer myself to the nanog community, being skilled in systems (NT & linux & x86) and LAN/WAN. About all I need is a place to sleep, wherever you need me. (I'm in Boulder, CO, currently) Being a recent resident of NYC, my heart goes out to everyone there. I long to do something constructive, to help heal our community and society. Scotty Allen 303-530-4462
participants (1)
Scotty Allen