Hi There, I know that this is a little off-topic, but I was wondering if anybody could give me any pointers on who to contact to get into the sprint nap... we're bringing up OC3c to Ameritech NAp and a concentrated-FDDI connection into MAE-East, and while we're running through the east coast area we though we'd get into the sprintnap as well... Any info would be appreciated. Thanks! -- Jason Jason Vanick ------------------------------------------ jvanick@megsinet.net Network Operations Manager V: 312-245-9015 MegsInet, Inc. 225 West Ohio St. Suite #400 Chicago, Il 60610
Steven Schnell <schnell@gsd.sprint.com> On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Jason Vanick wrote:
Hi There, I know that this is a little off-topic, but I was wondering if anybody could give me any pointers on who to contact to get into the sprint nap... we're bringing up OC3c to Ameritech NAp and a concentrated-FDDI connection into MAE-East, and while we're running through the east coast area we though we'd get into the sprintnap as well...
Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks! -- Jason Jason Vanick ------------------------------------------ jvanick@megsinet.net Network Operations Manager V: 312-245-9015 MegsInet, Inc. 225 West Ohio St. Suite #400 Chicago, Il 60610
http://www.sprintbiz.com/NAP Reid Fishler Lightning Internet Services, LLC At 09:42 AM 10/22/97 -0500, Jason Vanick wrote:
Hi There, I know that this is a little off-topic, but I was wondering if anybody could give me any pointers on who to contact to get into the sprint nap... we're bringing up OC3c to Ameritech NAp and a concentrated-FDDI connection into MAE-East, and while we're running through the east coast area we though we'd get into the sprintnap as well...
Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks! -- Jason Jason Vanick ------------------------------------------ jvanick@megsinet.net Network Operations Manager V: 312-245-9015 MegsInet, Inc. 225 West Ohio St. Suite #400 Chicago, Il 60610
participants (3)
Reid Fishler
Vab Goel