I have no idea why I received this - I didn't unsub. I also received a "welcome to nanog message", as if I had just subscribed (I've been subscribed for a long time). This all occurred while I was away so am just responding (as per instructions below) now. randim@voicenet.com At 07:19 PM 11/17/97 -0600, you wrote:
32760 nanog@merit.edu nanog@merit.edu
You have been removed from the list.
If this wasn't your intention or you are having problems getting yourself unsubscribed, reply to this mail now (quoting it entirely (for diagnostic purposes), and of course adding any comments you see fit).
Transcript of unsubscription request follows: --
From nanog@merit.edu Mon Nov 17 19:19:53 1997 Received: from adnc.com (hera.adnc.com []) by
mozart.lib.uchicago.edu (8.8.5/8.6.4) with SMTP id TAA21919 for marilyn-request@mozart.lib.uchicago.edu; Mon, 17 Nov 1997 19:19:25 -0600
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 19:19:25 -0600 From: nanog@merit.edu Message-Id: <199711180119.TAA21919@mozart.lib.uchicago.edu>
unsub nanog@merit.edu
--------------------------------- randim@voicenet.com http://www.voicenet.com/~randim/ ---------------------------------
participants (1)
r.a. martin