Hi All! In response to the discussion at the Route Server BOF during the last NANOG, we have created a mailing list (rs-discuss@merit.edu) to provide a forum for discussing route server issues. We hope to discuss the technology, pros and cons of the service, issues with the existing service, suggestions for improvement of the current route server service, etc. We hope that this will be a broad discussion with the internet community that will address non-specific RSng issues as well as specific RSng issues. To subscribe: send a message to majordomo@merit.edu with subscribe rs-discuss in the body of the message. We have also created a mailing list (rs-announce@merit.edu) for announcements of route server maintenance and outages. We recommend that all organizations peering with the route servers at the exchange points subscribe to this list. To subscribe: send a message to majordomo@merit.edu with subscribe rs-announce in the body of the message. Thanks! -abha ;) __________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- abha ahuja ahuja@merit.edu Merit Network, Inc.
participants (1)
Abha Ahuja