From a single data point on my router, /24's currently account for 64% of the routing table entries and for 65% of the flapping prefixes. /16's account for 12% of the routing table entries, and 10% of the flapping prefixes. It doesn't appear to me there is a significant difference between flap behaivor of long prefixes and short prefixes. There are more long prefixes than short prefixes. But as a group they both tend to flap the same proportion of 2% of the routes within the group.
Sorry, I'm not convinced this is the case. There is not enough empirical evidence.
Is there any empirical evidence to show otherwise? Id' be interested in seeing it. -- Eric Kozowski Senior Network Engineer Structured Network Systems, Inc. (503)525-9375 FAX (800)881-0962 Voice PGP Key fingerprint = 2E 5F 3E 6D AA 61 AA 14 D8 FB A4 15 CE 2C D8 8C 'They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.' -- Benjamin Franklin 1759
participants (1)
Eric Kozowski