Since this is verizon, one wonders why this has never been tried on wrong, non-working phone numbers? Visit your local chevy dealer, no interest for 12 months! We're sorry, the number you have reached.... is it illegal? How long before they'll just make you sit thru a few seconds of pitch before connecting any call? Or any website? How hard is it to stick up a quick bit of flash (e.g.) and then fade to the page you requested? I don't think this is quite slippery-slopism. If you've been in this business 20+ years, a long time, you remember having computers you owned and weren't designed to efficiently flash ads at you, no "Free Trial of" this and "would you like to upgrade now?" that, etc. It's as if there's a magical constant at work in personal computing: The number of minutes per hour of productive work is constant, despite technological improvements. For many years it was limited by the number of reboots, now as systems have become more reliable it's become limited by the number of ads and similar distractions you have to wade through to get anything done. It really all comes down to the same problem, a flat-rate pricing model, and marketeers realizing they can exploit this mercilessly at no incremental cost (spam, "site finder", whatever.) Without any pricing feedback in the loop all you can really do is try to implement more and and more somewhat arbitrary rules (and ways of enforcing them) to try to control behavior, and by whose say-so? One is basically forced into a role analogous to the neighborhood association or zoning board perhaps telling people what they can and cannot do with their property (granted the latter seems to work in a similarly charged environment.) This message brought to you by... -- -Barry Shein The World | | Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*