I think I've touched at least 15+ countries with Cisco HTTPS, and minus a few language issues, they're pretty decent. On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Jay Hennigan <jay@west.net> wrote:
Martin Hannigan wrote:
Hi Jay:
Is there really anything wrong with sending first-level technical support offshore?
Macs are macs, Windows is windows and mail is mail whether you're in
Mumbai or Memphis. As long as the language skills are good and the people are well trained, it should be mostly irrelevant, IMHO.
In and of itself and setting aside patriotic/nationalistic issues, probably not, assuming adequate technical and product knowledge and language skills. I suppose that it would be possible that if it were done well enough one wouldn't be able to tell.
However, there is something about dealing with a local company that adds value. People seem to care more about their community and neighbors than a random, barely understandable voice on a G.729 8k codec at the other end of a satellite link.
I have generally found dealing with most offshore tech support to be very frustrating. The language issues are burdensome, some accents so thick as to be barely understandable, and the lack of clue and scripted menu-driven responses are obvious and usually of no value. I wouldn't be calling if the problem could be solved by reading the documentation and some judicious web searching. There are some exceptions, including Cisco TAC which is very good. I've talked to Cisco engineers in Australia and Europe on occasion. I've had mixed results with Linksys support, which I believe is in the Philippines.
Dealing with one offshore AT&T billing representative who was clearly a non-English speaker was extremely painful. The latency and nonsense of the person's responses suggested either some type of auto-translator or satellite link, or both. The person wasn't capable of getting the hint when I asked after several minutes of frustration what the "A" in "AT&T" stood for, and in fact claimed to have no idea. I suspect that this level of disservice may be deliberate so that people will pay bogus charges on bills because the frustration level of disputing them is intentionally high.
-- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay@impulse.net Impulse Internet Service - http://www.impulse.net/ Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV
-- Josh Potter