On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Randy Bush wrote:
when you have a giant company with a broken business model, send in the lawyers and lobbyists to extend it a few years. after all, it's kinda working for the mpa and riaa.
Several companies made presentations at the same Bank of America investor's conference. You can listen to their presentations online Cablevision: <http://www.veracast.com/webcasts/bas/media06/id08210195.cfm> Comcast: <http://www.veracast.com/webcasts/bas/media06/id76206158.cfm> Disney: <http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=DIS&script=1010&item_id=1224636> SprintNextel: <http://www.veracast.com/webcasts/bas/media06/id11110129.cfm> Verizon: <http://www.veracast.com/webcasts/bas/media06/id89205298.cfm> Viacom: <http://www.veracast.com/webcasts/bas/media06/id52208131.cfm> They may all have broken business models. But it may be useful to understand them.