Based on information at MERIT's website, its tolate to submit a resentation. In addition such presentations must be finalized and the slides approved by Merit no later than 30-Sep. Its important to note that the second requirement isn't publicly stated. I did receive email from Dr. Harris, that my two approved presentations Flotsam and Jetsam of the Net, a study at junk on the net. and IANA Running a IRR for IANA-Reserved space (a presentation supported by the IANA) have now been canceled because of this unknown 30-Sep requirement. I've appealed to Dr. Harris's management on the issue. They should have published the schedules better. I should know more soon. Merit handles NANOG meetings, like it handles network security. On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 05:06:27PM -0400, Sean Donelan wrote:
On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, Randy Bush wrote:
- the users need to be told how to operate more safely, use end-to-end authentication and privacy, etc. it's a matter of education. and the education will stand them in good stead when they use 802.11 at starbucks, airports, etc. we do this at ietf, but it is not allowed at nanog.
Sunday afternoon is full of tutorials on lots of different subjects. Has anyone volunteed to conduct a Sunday tutorial on wireless security for users of "public" wireless networks?
Although I think it is a mistake to think a wireless network security is different than using any other network you don't control. Most wireless security tutorials tend to concentrate on "securing" the wireless network instead of how to communicate over an untrusted network.