Hello Brough, Very well spotted!! :-) I finally fixed a problem in my analysis programme which was miscounting the extended range of 32-bit ASNs (those from 65536 and above). It wasn't counting them at all in fact, something spotted by one of our industry colleagues a couple of months back. So the jump is caused by that. Misery for me now is I have to go back through a few years of daily reports and figure out when I made the change to cause the breakage. And rerun everything (sigh). The other bonus of the fix is that I'm dealing with 32-bit ASNs properly now - I'm catching the 65536 to 131071 range as bogons, and also catching any origin ASNs from above 458752 as bogons too. Thanks! philip -- Brough Turner wrote on 4/2/17 05:35 :
On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 1:02 PM, Routing Analysis Role Account < cscora@apnic.net> wrote:
Transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table: 7547
Last week there were 6561. I've seen the number jump a few or a dozen in one week, but nearly 1000 in one week?? What am I missing?
Thanks, Brough
Brough Turner netBlazr Inc. – Free your Broadband! Mobile: 617-285-0433 <(617)%20285-0433> Skype: brough netBlazr Inc. <http://www.netblazr.com/> | Google+ <https://plus.google.com/102447512447094746687/posts?hl=en> | Twitter <https://twitter.com/#%21/brough> | LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/broughturner> | Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/brough.turner> | Blog <http://blogs.broughturner.com/> | Personal website <http://broughturner.com/>