Marty A., Not an endorsement, but Aaron Hughes ahughes@bind.com has been doing training. I mention him because I'm aware that he has a track record, has done some +NOG presos and generally knowledgeable. He's also the only person I'm aware of outside of Europe doing training. Alternatively, I believe Jordi Palet Martinez is still an excellent trainer as well. Jordi is easily found in your favorite search engine. YMMV. Best, Marty (Yes, deliberately posted to nanog. For archives) -M< On 12/23/09, Marty Anstey <marty.anstey@sunwave.net> wrote:
Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with IPv6 training courses.
A quick search turns up a few results on the subject, but it would be handy to hear if anyone has any firsthand experiences or recommendations. We're based in western Canada but don't mind traveling a bit, but alternatively an online course would be acceptable as well.
-- Martin Hannigan martin@theicelandguy.com p: +16178216079 Power, Network, and Costs Consulting for Iceland Datacenters and Occupants