15 Sep
15 Sep
8:04 a.m.
At 09:53 PM 9/11/97 +0200, you wrote:
Is there any place I can find more info about the aggregate IP b/w out of North America? How many OC-3s to Europe and to Japan? Is there 600Mb/sec of b/w from NA to Europe? Any help and pointers appreciated.
I was recently looking for this kind of info myslef. Seems that most of the connectivity maps, etc. that I came across were a year or 2 out of date. FWIW, I have a collection of links concerning international L1, L2, and some L3 connectivity on my ISP page. By no means a complete reference, but it might give you a start. Randy Benn http://www.clark.net/pub/rbenn/isp.html