I remember working for this little company called EDS... Some bright spark decided that ATM to the desktop was the future (not this ethernet (or even token ring) thing) and subsequently converted several thousand head office machines to E3 or OC3 to the desktop. Hell of a thing trying to make OS2 drivers work for an OC3 card. That went very badly and the whole lot was ripped out again after a couple of years from memory. -----Original Message----- From: NANOG <nanog-bounces@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Seth Mattinen Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2018 9:59 AM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: A few GPON questions... I've had jobs where management refused to consult with or consider suggestions from IT. I once was part of an office move where the modular furniture vendor started asking questions about cabling was entering and port locations blah blah. They were told by management they don't need to know that and IT will just figure it out later. The vendor was like no way, they need to be involved now or we won't proceed. Then IT was brought in at the last minute, but if the furniture vendor hadn't refused to proceed the plan was literally F the IT guys and make them figure it out all the cabling over the weekend before everyone was to move in. Management like that just gets worse until you line up another job and quit.