Jesper how were you able to tell that it is a faulty card; from the traceback indicating it has to do with the "%CBUS" and "CCB handover timed out". Mufti Nayeem Ahmed Network Systems Engineer Market Data Delivery Reuters America Inc. 212-603-3595 HW problem, if you wasn't OIR'ing cards, I'd say you probably have a faulty card. On Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 10:38:35PM +0200, Marc Teichtahl wrote:
can anyone translate this for me ?
Jun 12 21:41:07.679 CED: %RSP-3-RESTART: cbus complex Jun 12 21:41:55.996 CED: %DBUS-3-SW_NOTRDY: DBUS software not ready after dbus_s lot_enable(), elapsed 12032, status 0x48 -Traceback= 602A5284 602A6418 602B808C 60287EAC 602879B0 60290B18 6023F2CC 6023F 2B8 Jun 12 21:42:06.504 CED: %CBUS-3-CCBPTIMEOUT: CCB handover timed out, CCB 0x5800 FF20, slot 0 -Traceback= 602BA350 602B7B98 602B8178 60287EAC 602879B0 60290B18 6023F2CC 6023F 2B8
Marc Teichtahl Manager, Data Network Engineering Versa(tel Telecom NASDAQ: VRSA AEX: VERSA
US Cell: +1 650 248 7058 Dutch Cell: +31 6 21213104
/Jesper -- Jesper Skriver, jesper(at)skriver(dot)dk - CCIE #5456 Work: Network manager @ AS3292 (Tele Danmark DataNetworks) Private: Geek @ AS2109 (A much smaller network ;-) One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them, One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Visit our Internet site at Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Reuters Ltd.