Hi, On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:26:36AM -0700, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 9/30/16 09:49, Bryan Fields wrote:
I'm trying to find a place on ARIN's website where this is addressed, but coming up short. I'm not the seller or buyer in this, but basically someone has a legacy block allocated by Postel and wants to sell the block as it's an owned asset.
What's the process to get ARIN to move the admin/ownership of this? Do they only need to see a valid asset purchase agreement? There is no legacy RSA for this.
It'll have to go under RSA to stay with ARIN.
Or you can do a transfer to RIPE.
carefully note the "or". If you first move it under ARIN's jurisdiction (by signing an RSA) and *then* transfer it to RIPE, it won't be "legacy" any more in the course of the 2nd step and RIPE's 2-yr holding period comes into play (=> it can't be transferred during that time). Note also there's voices recommending not to sign an RSA for legacy space (in certain situations, at least), see http://ipv4marketgroup.com/dont-sign-an-rsa-during-your-82-ipv4-transfer/. best Enno
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