5 Mar
5 Mar
9:11 a.m.
Please accept my apologies for the waste of space - Will someone from T-Mobile please contact me off list? It seems there is a 10k block of NPA-NXX #'s not in your table. All other rectification contact attempts have failed Thanks! Aaron D. Osgood Streamline Solutions L.L.C P.O. Box 6115 Falmouth, ME 04105 TEL: 207-781-5561 FAX: 207-781-8067 MOBILE: 207-831-5829 PAGE: 2078315829@vtext.com AOLIM: OzCom1 ICQ: 206889374 AOsgood@Streamline-Solutions.net Blog: http://streamlinesolutionsllc.blogspot.com/ http://www.streamline-solutions.net http://www.WMDaWARe.com Introducing Efficiency to Business since 1986.