we just use paper labels and markers, much faster & easier. it's not just the "peeling the back of it", its also the "entering the stuff on the tiny keyboard" and unlike labelprinter stickers, they hold in higher temperatures with low humidity and lots of airflow after a few years ;) we've found that with most labelwriters, the only thing keeping the labels on the hardware after several years in a datacenter environment is the vacume between the label and the metal, the glue kinda "disappears" in air like that :P as for servers: well.. the ones with a led display are nice... (hint ibm/cisco... crappy dells have them, why don't yours ;) (would be nice to also see led displays on cisco switches in the future, but keep in mind: NOT displaying hostnames/ip addresses!!! has to be a seperate config entry!) (especially since they can be automatically updated during pxe reinstalls with the new service-id number ;) anyway, ditch the labelwriters alltogether, just get sheets with paper stickers and write the stuff on them with markers, faster, more efficient, lasts longer. the labelwriter crap just "falls off" after a while, then gets blown away, potentially ending up in a ventilator etc. -- Greetings, Sven Olaf Kamphuis, CB3ROB Ltd. & Co. KG ========================================================================= Address: Koloniestrasse 34 VAT Tax ID: DE267268209 D-13359 Registration: HRA 42834 B BERLIN Phone: +31/(0)87-8747479 Germany GSM: +49/(0)152-26410799 RIPE: CBSK1-RIPE e-Mail: sven@cb3rob.net ========================================================================= <penpen> C3P0, der elektrische Westerwelle http://www.facebook.com/cb3rob ========================================================================= Confidential: Please be advised that the information contained in this email message, including all attached documents or files, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals addressed. Any other use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Mark Foster wrote:
On 17/02/12 10:08, Randy Bush wrote:
ok, this is horribly pragmatic, but it's real. yesterday i was in the westin playing rack and stack for five hours. an horrifyingly large amount of my time was spent trying to peel apart labels made on my portable brother label tape maker, yes peeling the backing from a little label so remote hands could easily confirm a server they were going to attack.
is there a trick? is there a (not expensive) different labeling machine or technique i should use?
Many label makers (including Brother) use tapes that have a split up the middle of the back layer, so you can peel it off half-at-a-time and not fight with finding edges, etc.
Otherwise I suppose it's just a case of finding the knack. My label maker is of the cheaper variety and the tape i've been getting for it doesn't have the back-split, so I get to fight with it on the occasion that the knack doesn't seem to work...